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Environmental Agents Control & Toxic Chemical Substances Permit Review and Safety Management

The project was an extension of the the year 2008 project. Procedures for initial review of licensing the environmental agents and toxic chemical substances were developed, which were incorporated into data managing system to facilitate a complete review process. Following are the highlights of the project: 1. Provided technical review to permit issuance of environmental agents, which included 428 applications and 5,119 evidence documents and data. Technical review to the permit issuance of toxic chemical substances included 224 applications and 2,869 evidence documents and data. All reviews were completed to meet predetermined review schedules. All established review criteria were compiled to become a bound book. 2. Expanded and maintained review-assistance system to provide toxic ingredient database with functions and to link with review systems used in China, Malaysia, India and United States of America on certifying environmental agents. 3. Collected and compiled laws and regulations of environmental agents adopted in United States of America, European countries, Japan and China (including Hong Kong). seven items of foreign regulations were reviewed, analyzed and commented. 4. Developed of formats 77 environmental agents database to illustrate effective ingredients, which were bound for easy reference, particularly for initial reviewers. 5. Organized three public meetings to present "Safe Use of Environmental agents ", which were attended by 156 people. Prepared and televised "Clean Outdoor, No Mosquito" program to promote safe use of environmental agents, which were viewed by 35,700 people. In summary, the project developed review procedures to administer initial permit review. It also analyzed and commented on foreign regulations on pesticides associated with the environment. As a result, the project provided valuable information to the Environmental Protection Agency for drafting or amending regulations dealing with pesticides with the environment.
Permit, Review, Toxic, Environmental Agents Control